Is this love?

February is healthy relationships month.
Being in a relationship can be exciting and should make you feel happy. A healthy relationship is when everyone feels respected, trusted and valued for who they are.
However, navigating new relationships can be difficult, especially for young people and there are high numbers of young people who experience unhealthy relationships and behaviour.
Did you know that over one-third of sexual abuse is carried out by under 18s?
Our Safeguarding Children’s Partnership for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (OSCP) has launched a new campaign showing how easy it is for emotional, physical and sexual abuse to start and go unnoticed before escalating. It has been designed to raise awareness of potential child to child abuse in young people’s relationships.
Support is available for anyone affected by sexual abuse and violence and domestic abuse.
To learn more about the campaign and how you can get help click here
Issues covered include:
- Gaslighting and coercive control
- Sextortion
- Sexual abuse
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