Welcome to Healthwatch Cornwall's policies and procedures page. Here, you’ll find all the important documents outlining how we operate, our commitment to the community, and how we handle various aspects of our services. Our goal is to ensure that we uphold transparency, fairness, and quality in everything we do.

How to use this page:

Browse and download policies: 

Below, you’ll find downloadable links to all our key policies, such as comments, compliments and complaints, safeguarding, and equality and diversity. These documents provide detailed information about our procedures and expectations for service users and stakeholders.

•    Simply click on the download button to view or save the file to your device.
•    Ensure that you have a PDF reader installed to access the files.

Making a complaint: 

At Healthwatch Cornwall, we take all feedback seriously. If you wish to make a complaint, you can expect the following:

•    Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days.
•    Offer a time to discuss with you within a further 10 working days 
•    Provide a full written response within a further 10 working days.

For more information, feel free to contact us directly using the contact details found on our ‘Contact us’ page above.

Comments, compliments and complaints policy

Safeguarding policy