Community Engagement & Outreach Volunteer
Your role as a volunteer is to take the voice of Healthwatch Cornwall (HC) into your local community and get feedback from the public on health and social care services in Cornwall. You will act as a bridge connecting HC with communities and provide a channel of communication to strengthen community involvement in Healthwatch Cornwall’s work. Activities may be online as well as in-person depending on the project.

Community Promoter Volunteer
Your role as a volunteer is to take the voice of Healthwatch Cornwall (HC) into your local community and make connections within the community. To provide information to local organisations such as leaflets and encourage people to engage with current campaigns such as specific surveys. Signpost community members to our outreach team if they would like to feedback on their experiences of health and social care services in Cornwall.

Impact Volunteer
Healthwatch Cornwall wants to make improvements on how we identify and communicate how our work has led to improved services because this helps ensure we continue to get support from and are trusted by the public and partner organisations. As an Impact volunteer you will help the team record and keep track of the changes we seek. Your volunteer role will help us focus on the changes to local services due to our work.

Volunteer Application Form
Please tell us why you want to volunteer with Healthwatch Cornwall and what you hope to get from your experience with us. This can include any relevant voluntary or paid experience, or any qualifications, hobbies or interests that you have had that you feel would help you undertake the role that you are applying for.

Youth Volunteering Role
We are keen to connect with more young people across Cornwall and encourage them to share their experiences of health and social care services and what is important to them. Volunteering as a Youth Champion for Healthwatch Cornwall you will be key in helping to arrange opportunities for your peers to get involved and have their say. Activities may be online as well as in-person depending on the project.