Cost of Living Crisis Affecting Your Health? Tell us about it.

We know from Healthwatch England’s recent survey people are avoiding vital care due to rising living costs. The survey found more people are avoiding hospital and GP appointments due to transport costs and one in ten people are cutting back on over-the-counter medications they normally rely on.
We want to hear from as many people from across all areas and communities in Cornwall to know how this is affecting you and those you care for? By hearing your experiences, we can improve our knowledge of the local issues people are facing in accessing health and social care and share this with our partners at Cornwall Council and Cornwall’s Integrated Health and Care System.
As an independent statutory body, we have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. Your feedback will help us to support services to improve so that more people can access the right health care at the right time and will enable us to signpost more people to the correct support and services.
The survey has been extended until 23rd October 2023 and can be accessed online or as a paper hard copy survey.
Online survey:
If you would like hard copies or would like to complete the survey by phone contact us:
Call: 0800 0381 281