Healthwatch Cornwall Welcomes MP Support for Health and Social Care

Debbie Gilbert, Healthwatch Cornwall CEO, was delighted to welcome Perran Moon, the Labour MP for Camborne, Redruth & Hayle to our offices, where he expressed his strong commitment to working alongside Healthwatch Cornwall in our shared mission to improve health and social care services across the county. His visit underscored the importance of collaboration in ensuring that the voices of Cornwall's residents are heard and acted upon.
Healthwatch Cornwall CEO Debbie Gilbert stands next to MP Perran Moon

During their discussions, they highlighted the significant impact that poor housing, education, and transport have on the health and well-being of our communities. These factors are crucial in understanding the broader challenges facing residents.

Last week, we were also pleased to host Ben Maguire, the newly elected Liberal MP for North Cornwall. He left with a deeper understanding of the key issues facing our community, armed with Healthwatch Cornwall’s latest reports on the Emergency Department, Cost of Living, Dementia, and Mental Health & Suicide Prevention. Ben shares our passion for making a tangible difference in the lives of Cornwall’s residents and is committed to supporting our efforts.

Debbie Gilbert, CEO of Healthwatch Cornwall, commented, "I feel immensely encouraged to know that collectively, we are listening to the residents of Cornwall with a determination to improve services in health and social care. More importantly, we are focused on ensuring that people’s stories truly make an impact, helping to create real change and improvements within the system."

We look forward to continuing our work with local MPs and other stakeholders to ensure that the voices of Cornwall’s residents are at the heart of health and social care decision-making.