Our work with Partnership Boards

Healthwatch Cornwall facilitates four Partnership Boards: Carers, Learning Disability, Autism and Older Persons.

The Boards meet quarterly and are attended by both people that use health and care services and unpaid carers who are experts through their experience.

Representatives from Cornwall Council, NHS Kernow, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, University Hospitals Plymouth Trust, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and voluntary sector staff with direct experience relevant to each Board are also members.

Meetings are responsive to current issues and aim to produce strategies and influence commissioning plans for related health and social care services.

Healthwatch Cornwall was commissioned by Cornwall Council to carry out a comprehensive review of the Partnership Boards.

The review told us that the Partnership Boards were not working as well as they could. The lack of a defined governance structure and a lay membership lacking diversity was highlighted.

Read our report

Changes are being coordinated by Partnership Board Officers Mike Hooper and Robert O'Leary.

We are working to get 'the right people in the right place' to maximise the board’s ability to comment, question and co-design effectively.  It is anticipated that an overarching Board will be operational by the summer, along with a refresh of both the Terms of Reference for each Board and the Board member role descriptions.

Agendas and minutes from the previous four meetings of each Partnership Board are available and accessed from the pages below, should you require documents from earlier meetings please email using the following link.


The partnership boards are quarterly meetings attended by service users and unpaid carers who are ‘experts by experience’ in these areas.

Representatives from Cornwall Council, NHS Kernow, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and voluntary sector staff with direct experience relevant to each board are also members.

Autism Partnership Board logo

Autism Partnership Board

An opportunity for autistic people, their families, and carers to work with professionals to help improve support and services in Cornwall.

Find out more

Carers Partnership Board

The Board was set up in response to the National Carer Strategy to ensure carers are able to access the support and services they need to remain in their caring role.

Find out more

Learning Disability Partnership Board Logo

Learning Disability Partnership Board

An opportunity for people with a learning disability, their families, and carers to work with professionals to improve the lives of people living with a learning disability in Cornwall.

Find out more

Ageing Well Partnership Board

Bringing together older people, their representatives, the public, voluntary and community sectors to work to ensure the highest quality and best value services for older people in Cornwall.

Find out more

Interested in getting involved?

Please note attendance at the Partnership Boards is by invitation only. If you are interested in being part of the Boards or would like to submit a question or comment, get in touch.

Get in touch