Read the Cornwall & IoS DRAFT mental health strategy
The NHS has spent the past year talking and listening to lots of different people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly about their mental health and the support that’s available to them. They want to understand what things are important, what’s working well, and what things need to change.
Have your say on the draft mental health strategy for Cornwall and the IoS
The NHS have used what people have told them to create a draft five year strategy for adult mental health services in Cornwall.
They now want to check that they haven’t missed anything important before they agree the plan.
Download the draft mental health strategy for Cornwall and the IoS
You can read a summary of the document here
An easy read version of the mental health strategy for Cornwall and the IoS
We want to support people to get help quickly and when they most need it.
From 10 October to 21 November 2019, you can share your thoughts in a survey about the principles and emerging ideas found in the document.